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Sale of Public Park Land – public meeting on Monday, December 9, 2013

The following message was received from the Mount Royal Community Association.  They are holding a drop in evening on Monday, December 9 about the sale of public park land at the southwest corner of Cliff Bungalow – Mission adjacent to their community.  Cliff Bungalow – Mission Community Association has gone record as opposing this sale.  This drop in is an opportunity for you to find out more about this matter.

JUST THE FACTS regarding sale of public park land Monday, Dec 9 at 7:00 PM at Mount Royal Station (2317 10th St SW)

The MRCA will host a drop-in evening to answer questions regarding the potential sale of public park land at the top of Hillcrest hill into private ownership.  This area is sometimes called “city view” or “fireworks view” and is the location from which many well-known historic photographs of Calgary downtown, Mount Royal, and Cliff Bungalow, were taken from 1905 onwards.

The Mount Royal Community Association Board opposes the sale of public parkland, especially inner-city parkland which is scarce and unlikely ever to be restored or replaced. The issue here is one of principle: should the City subdivide and sell land which has been enjoyed by the public since it was given as park land by the CPR in 1920.

Maps, aerial photos, and historic documents will be available for view, including copies of the original 1914 transfer, signed by Baron Shaughnessy, by which the CPR gave land to the City of Calgary to be used as park land.  The caveat on the title intended to protect this particular parcel as a park forever will also be available to view.

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