The mission of the Environment Committee is to increase the vibrancy of Cliff Bungalow-Mission through its green spaces and gardens, and advocate for sustainable living in Calgary.
The Environment Committee has a number of ongoing projects, including:
hosting the annual river and pathway cleanup and barbecue, with the communities of Erlton and Rideau-Roxboro, in May;
managing the Mission and Cliff Bungalow community gardens;
improving the neighbourhood's heritage parks, green spaces and tree canopy by building new gardens and planting trees in underutilized spaces;
engaging with residents, dog owners, schools and other interested parties to ensure everyone's voice is heard and that our green spaces are safe spaces for all;
hosting the annual Swap! Drop! Donate! community clean-up in September;
advocating for our urban canopy and heritage trees;
playing a central role on the committee tasked with maintaining and improving the grounds around CBMCA's historic building on Cliff Street SW;
supporting cycling infrastructure in the community.
If you would like to join the Environment Committee please contact us at cbmca.environment@gmail.com